Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Some more popular creations

Here's a quick summary of my most popular items, which can be created with a bit of notice. 

  • Handmade cards (a larger stock than normal 😏priced from £2, mostly £2.50 for A6 size, but a few other larger ones up to £3 price range) and  
  • Painted pebbles (£2 each) - usually I hide these when out and about (check out my post why I paint rocks and pebbles, for more info). 

These make great little keepsakes, for yourself or to give to another. There are a few themes available and each comes in a little pouch with card:

Breathe pebble -  Remember to BREATHE mindfulness pebble. Hold in times or stress or during meditation as a tangible reminder to BREATHE.

Worry worm - Tell this little guy your worries, although he doesn't really speak. He will listen when you need him, any day of the week.

Pebble hug - This pebble is a reminder someone cares. Keep it with you and remember it is there.

Pet pebble - Take care of this pebble pet by walking and feeding it every day. Ensure lots of love and attention so it doesn't run away.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Wellbeing and a wellness

Mental health and wellbeing is often at the top of my to do list - simply because it's so important to look after this, just like physical health. When you get sick it takes time to recover. But mental health can often be more difficult as you and others can't always 'see' the symptoms.

I practice mindfulness with crafting whenever I can - this is my go to escape or place where I can lose myself in a creative hobby or project. 

Back in January 2022 I signed up to have a stall at a wellness festival local to my home, with lots of providers, practitioners and businesses which offer something wellbeing related within our community. For me it was an outlet to share what I love and help to raise awareness and ideas to look after mental health and wellbeing. At the same time raise a little bit for Mind, with the proceeds from sales of my handmade cards or crafts. Mind, offers many services - I've personally used their support both via their website and locally and wanted to give something back.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Jewellery inspired by my travels

I've been creating jewellery for years. From macrame bracelets to seaglass earrings, and all sorts in between. A lot of my jewellery is inspired by my travels and sourcing materials/supplies often finds me exploring off the beaten track as well as enjoying some local experiences.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Origami heart card inspiration

Practising the ancient art of origami is a wonderful way to take some time out and channel your inner creativity. I've been inspired by #pauseformind and a pause giftbox that I received.

I do hope you find some inspiration for each of the kits from the designs below.

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Why I paint rocks and pebbles

If you haven't heard of kindness rocks check out this site, I'm not the only person who enjoys painting rocks, it's a worldwide phenomenum.